We can't be champions for Christ if we don't invest in His Kingdom, but often times we may not know what that means. When we give, we want to give sacrificially, generously, willingly, and with joy because that's what God calls us to do! 2 Corinthians 9:6-7

when you give, you invest in the kingdom of God
Everything we have is really God's, and He has trusted us to invest it for His Kingdom and His purposes. Whether it's our time, our gifts, or our finances, how we use those reveals to the world which kingdom matters to us most. At Champions assembly, we want others to see a community of generous people who show their love for God's kingdom because of how He first loves us.
giving is about investing God's resources in God's kingdom.
At Champions Assembly, we believe that giving generously involves constantly taking steps forward. Consider the different ways you can invest in God's kingdom below!

We've started to make changes around here. Help us reach our goal of $190K by the end of this year.